Thursday, July 28, 2005
Hundreds of Boy Scouts fall ill from heat
This is what happens when a platoon of out of shape fat kids (and adults for that matter) who've been playing Xbox all summer finally gets their asses up off the couch.
Here's a hint: stay away from the donut tent!
Posted by
J Peezy
8:15 AM
Monday, July 25, 2005
NHL 2K6 Xbox
Now that hockey is back, i hope to pick this game up during the next couple months.
Here's a good review. Glad to hear that the crappy goal syndrome has sorta been fixed.
Posted by
J Peezy
4:32 PM
First Crosby, then Malkin. Pens will O\/\/n the entire NHL
Take a back seat treehuggers... The NHL is back and the Pens are going to clean house!
Posted by
J Peezy
10:26 AM
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Treehugging Teens Invent New Car AC
"Today, the young inventors say, U.S. drivers use about 7.9 billion gallons of fuel each year to run their air-conditioners, which draw power from the engine. By adopting their contraption - which taps into the electrical system, using fans to blow hot air through five Peltier chips and then releasing cold air - they say the country stands to save 3.9 billion gallons of fuel annually, or about $10 billion based on current gas prices."
Sounds good to this treehugger!
Posted by
J Peezy
4:44 PM
Drug Smuggling tunnel found under Canadian border - Treehuggers arrested
"Authorities had been monitoring construction of the tunnel for eight months and sealed it shortly after it opened"
They let the suckers build the whole thing before busting them. Classic.
Posted by
J Peezy
11:58 AM
Monday, July 18, 2005
Telluride Treehuggers petition for low priority pot ordinance
That's it, i'm moving!
Basically, this law will keep pot illegal but make enforcing it a joke.
"Telluride voters may be voting in November to make marijuana possession among adults the town's, lowest law enforcement priority."
Posted by
J Peezy
3:23 PM
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Landry's seafood restaurant opens in Denver aquarium
Makes sense to me. I guess this is what happens when Mr Sharky dies.
Posted by
J Peezy
10:41 AM
Monday, July 11, 2005
Jesus Christ Potato Chip
Here's your weekly 'item-with-biblical-sybol-sold-to moron' link...
Posted by
J Peezy
9:35 AM
Friday, July 08, 2005
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
Treehugger parents arrested for hiding pot in diaper
Oh those crazy WV mountaineers. Smuggling weed though prison doors nonetheless...
Posted by
J Peezy
11:57 AM