Keep the ball floating... tough game here.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Denver pub searches for Beerdrinker of the Year
I'm not worthy.
Oh wait, maybe I am.
Posted by
J Peezy
2:49 PM
Monday, November 07, 2005
Hurricane McEwen and Blue Sky Farms
Hurricane McEwen and Blue Sky Farms
Be sure to check out this horse related site.
Posted by
J Peezy
8:27 PM
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Tree-hugger Denver-ite woman puts house, self on eBay
She thinks that someone will actually buy the house to live in and her as a bride. Damn treehu55ers.
Posted by
J Peezy
5:00 PM
Monday, October 17, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
Saturday, October 08, 2005
How to work the frequent flyer milage system
Another reason to move to Canada.
Posted by
J Peezy
9:23 PM
Friday, September 23, 2005
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
How to By-pass Automated Phone Systems
For example, when calling Dell Customer Service:
Option 1, xt 7266966, option 1, option 4, option 4
Posted by
J Peezy
6:15 PM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Extreme Beer - 25% Alcohol - Beer Drinkers Rejoice
American breweries are marketing a new range of "extreme beers" containing up to 25 per cent alcohol in an attempt to appeal to the palates of cocktail drinkers.
Um, i'd give it a try.
Posted by
J Peezy
10:56 AM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Russia uses pot as Cow feed - Happy Cow Disease?
They tried the old plant-weed-between-the-corn-stalks trick...
"Drug workers said they adopted the unusual form of animal husbandry after they were forced to destroy the sunflowers and maize crops that the 40 tonnes of marijuana had been planted among"
What the heck are they smoking out of?
Posted by
J Peezy
8:34 AM
Monday, August 15, 2005
Solar Panel Story Brought to you byTree-hugging New Age Apostle
"David Slawson is an unabashed granola-crunching, tree-hugging New Age apostle whose livelihood rests on matriculating massage therapists to his alternative health care college in Portland, Ore."
Gotta love it when they refer to people as "granola crunching". And i'm ususally on the receiving end due to the outdoor activities i participate in.
Posted by
J Peezy
3:24 PM
Friday, August 12, 2005
Stoned Treehuggers Take Different Path, Discover Waterfall in Calif.
Who knew we were still making discoveries in California of all places???
"It wasn't on a map, no one on the trail crew knew about it. People who been here 27 years had never seen it," said Milestone, who is leading an effort to clear a trail to the newly named Whiskeytown Falls. It's expected to be finished by next summer.
Posted by
J Peezy
8:32 AM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Netflix vs. Blockbuster -- Who's Better?
For anyone thinging about switching or signing up for either company, here is good reference from the best source: HackingNetflix.
Posted by
J Peezy
5:09 PM
Monday, August 08, 2005
Creative Xylophone
Genious! Everyone. Memorize this for your next sporting event.
Posted by
J Peezy
7:00 PM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Falling Lady
Why is it that i played with this for an hour at work??
This shit is creative.
Posted by
J Peezy
3:44 PM
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Daly Attempting to Hit Golf Ball Over Niagara Falls -- with Cig in Mouth!
"The 39-year old Daly is the first person to attempt this type of crossing of the Niagara Falls Gorge. He will get 20 swings to accomplish the feat. The length of the carry required to cross the Gorge has been measured at 362 yards. Daly's personal best drive in competition this year is 356 yards."
Posted by
J Peezy
1:19 PM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
9,000-Year-Old Beer Re-Created From Chinese Recipe
"Sam Calagione of the Dogfish Head brewery in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, used a recipe that included rice, honey, and grape and hawthorn fruits. He got the formula from archaeologists who derived it from the residues of pottery jars found in the late Stone Age village of Jiahu in northern China."
I bet this beats out the beast any day.
Posted by
J Peezy
8:29 PM
Monday, August 01, 2005
Kadirs Tree Houses
Hey, if you're in to this kinda thing. So be it.
What's the toilet made out of?
Posted by
J Peezy
2:39 PM
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Hundreds of Boy Scouts fall ill from heat
This is what happens when a platoon of out of shape fat kids (and adults for that matter) who've been playing Xbox all summer finally gets their asses up off the couch.
Here's a hint: stay away from the donut tent!
Posted by
J Peezy
8:15 AM
Monday, July 25, 2005
NHL 2K6 Xbox
Now that hockey is back, i hope to pick this game up during the next couple months.
Here's a good review. Glad to hear that the crappy goal syndrome has sorta been fixed.
Posted by
J Peezy
4:32 PM
First Crosby, then Malkin. Pens will O\/\/n the entire NHL
Take a back seat treehuggers... The NHL is back and the Pens are going to clean house!
Posted by
J Peezy
10:26 AM
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Treehugging Teens Invent New Car AC
"Today, the young inventors say, U.S. drivers use about 7.9 billion gallons of fuel each year to run their air-conditioners, which draw power from the engine. By adopting their contraption - which taps into the electrical system, using fans to blow hot air through five Peltier chips and then releasing cold air - they say the country stands to save 3.9 billion gallons of fuel annually, or about $10 billion based on current gas prices."
Sounds good to this treehugger!
Posted by
J Peezy
4:44 PM
Drug Smuggling tunnel found under Canadian border - Treehuggers arrested
"Authorities had been monitoring construction of the tunnel for eight months and sealed it shortly after it opened"
They let the suckers build the whole thing before busting them. Classic.
Posted by
J Peezy
11:58 AM
Monday, July 18, 2005
Telluride Treehuggers petition for low priority pot ordinance
That's it, i'm moving!
Basically, this law will keep pot illegal but make enforcing it a joke.
"Telluride voters may be voting in November to make marijuana possession among adults the town's, lowest law enforcement priority."
Posted by
J Peezy
3:23 PM
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Landry's seafood restaurant opens in Denver aquarium
Makes sense to me. I guess this is what happens when Mr Sharky dies.
Posted by
J Peezy
10:41 AM
Monday, July 11, 2005
Jesus Christ Potato Chip
Here's your weekly 'item-with-biblical-sybol-sold-to moron' link...
Posted by
J Peezy
9:35 AM
Friday, July 08, 2005
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
Treehugger parents arrested for hiding pot in diaper
Oh those crazy WV mountaineers. Smuggling weed though prison doors nonetheless...
Posted by
J Peezy
11:57 AM
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Treehu55er leaves Pot as tip
This happened to me once back when i was a raft guide. Wait, it actually happened to me twice! The other time, i gave out a free ski rental.
Lucky me!
Posted by
J Peezy
12:25 PM
Fish from 'Big Fish' fianlly caught
I don't get it, here's why: National Geo put together a study to conserve freshwater fish around the world that exceed 6 feet in length and 200 pounds in weight.
They friggin killed this beauty because????? Help me out here.
Posted by
J Peezy
10:03 AM
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Monday, June 20, 2005
Former Girlfriends - Show the world what you had!
Good stuff here. I think i'll link him.
Posted by
J Peezy
3:22 PM
Friday, June 17, 2005
Montel enjoys medical marijuana
Who knew. Hey, Montel's a pot smokin treehugger! Whooo hooo!
Posted by
J Peezy
3:31 PM
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Hilary Duff is coming out with a greatest hits collection
I don't get it?
He'll, she looks damn fine though.
Posted by
J Peezy
3:45 PM
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Missing teen's hometown keeps hope alive. Here we go again. Remember last time this happened?
So lets go back a few weeks and re-visit the runaway bride lady. Her hometown did everything they could to make sure she come home alive. Billboards, postings, police galore, etc...
Well, she ended up coming home alive and now she ends up being dragged across the coals because of her fake elaborate scheme.
Posted by
J Peezy
4:10 PM
Marijuana fans keep stealing street sign bearing pot code
I cut and pasted so ya'll don't have to register to view...
What a genious: "It seems 4-20 is pot smokers' code for let's fire-up a joint." Ya think???
It's 4:20 - do you know where your sign is? Probably in some pot smoker's dorm room.
Officials in a number of southern Minnesota counties are tired of replacing their 420 street signs. Thieves have been snatching the rural signs for "420th Avenue" and "420th Street."
It seems 4-20 is pot smokers' code for let's fire-up a joint. Replacing the signs isn't cheap, 80 to 100 bucks each. Officials in one county decided to change the name of the 420th Avenue to 42-X Avenue in hopes of discouraging the sign-snatchers.
In another county, officials changed the name of 420th Street to 421.
Posted by
J Peezy
1:29 PM
Friday, June 03, 2005
Video of Tasing in Boynton Beach
"Get out of the car or I will taze you."
If a cop says this to you 5 times, do yourself a favor and get out of the car.
Posted by
J Peezy
2:55 PM
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Porn sites to get their own Internet domain
I can see it now.... or
Posted by
J Peezy
2:35 PM
Cali Landslides -- It's that time of year folks!!!
I don't feel bad for people who build houses on cliffs that are known to slide every single year.
Posted by
J Peezy
10:30 AM
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Canon U.S.A
Not sure if this beats out Paris eating a hamburger, but it's pretty close.
Posted by
J Peezy
2:33 PM
Friday, May 27, 2005
Easy way up to Everest - via Helocopter
The Texan's will be lining up for this flight. You cheaters!!!
Posted by
J Peezy
10:46 AM
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Canadian suicide hotline open only from 9 to 5
All you die-hard hockey fans, for one, better plan ahead.
Posted by
J Peezy
4:50 PM
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Bride-to-Be Fake Kidnapping Toast
This fuking loser spent $15,400 + shipping on a piece of toast!!
Posted by
J Peezy
12:34 PM
Monday, May 23, 2005
Body Dumped In Cemetery
"Two men drove a moving truck into Monongahela Cemetery on Sunday night and left the body there, police said."
I can imagine the conversation before hand: "Dude, i know. Lets drive him to the cemetery and drop him off. They'll know what to do from there."
Posted by
J Peezy
4:54 PM
Stiff-legged Goats
This is just mean how the owner scares them on purpose. But it is kinda funny...
Posted by
J Peezy
3:27 PM
The Ultimate Star Wars Personality Test!
Oh yea. I'm Boba Fett man!
Wait, is that good or bad?
Posted by
J Peezy
3:18 PM
Building the world's most powerful laser
Sorry, all i can think of is Mini-Me humping the laser in Austin Powers.
"Mini-me, stop humping the 'Laser' please"
Posted by
J Peezy
2:58 PM
Girl, 14, tries to qualify for men's U.S. Open Golf
"I'm going to try it now to get some experience."
Yer 14 years old. Hey, here's a thought. Join the LPGA. Win some tourneys. Maybe gain some expierence there first. I know the money is way better over on the PGA; however, why don't all these women try and get their league going instead converting over to the guy's side. Maybe the sponcers will dump money into the LPGA if you all stick to it!
Posted by
J Peezy
2:02 PM
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Lake disappears, baffling villagers
""I am thinking, well, America has finally got to us," said one old woman, as she sat on the ground outside her house."
What the fuck is that supposed to mean you old hag?
Posted by
J Peezy
4:21 PM
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
DANICA PATRICK - Indy Car Driver
This young lady kicked some serious ass during Indy 500 qualifing.
Posted by
J Peezy
11:50 AM
Monday, May 16, 2005
Disc Golf Denver Colorado
Every good treehugger knows where to find the best local disc golf courses.
Posted by
J Peezy
5:54 PM
Friday, May 13, 2005
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Pharmacist allowed to wear women's clothing at work
God, i wish i had a photo of this dude.
Posted by
J Peezy
2:02 PM
Clearing mine fields with animals
What a creative way to clear precious harvest and grazing fields.
Posted by
J Peezy
11:14 AM
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
"The Original Whizzinator" - Vikings' Smith Found With Drug Test Kit
This story wouldn't be much without using the product name - The Original Whizzinator.
Huh. this is fishy: "Police at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport questioned Smith on April 21 after a search of his bag discovered vials of white powder, according to a police report."
Seems like he could have been celebrating in a post 420 celebration.
Posted by
J Peezy
12:27 PM
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Free Frosty giveaway following 'chili finger' event
Free Wendy's frosty's for everyone! BTW, french fries dipped in a Frosty is really good.
Posted by
J Peezy
1:49 PM
Xbox 360
Xbones 360 is lookin good. Wonder how much this puppy will cost?
Posted by
J Peezy
9:18 AM
Monday, May 09, 2005
Chris Berman's Nicknames
If anyone watches ESPN and knows about Chris Berman's nickname crusade, here's the tally thus far.
Here are some of my fav's:
Rod Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck
Mike You're in Good Hands with Allstott
Scott Supercalifragilisticexpiala Brosius
Rob Bomba Deer
Juan Re Encarnacion
Posted by
J Peezy
8:36 AM
Friday, May 06, 2005
Sorry Everybody - More GW Bush Hatred
See world, just because we live in the US doesn't mean we all voted for George W Bush.
"Some of us — hopefully most of us — are trying to understand and appreciate the effect our recent election will have on you, the citizens of the rest of the world. As our so-called leaders redouble their efforts to screw you over, please remember that some of us — hopefully most of us — are truly, truly sorry. And we'll say we're sorry, even on the behalf of the ones who aren't."
Posted by
J Peezy
3:52 PM
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Paula Abdul Admits She Slept With Every American Idol Contestant
Onion style article ripping on Ms Abdul. That's one great pic!
Imagine a role-reversal here. What if all of these stories were about Simon instead of Paula. He'd be deported back to the homeland by now.
Whatever. Funny story nonetheless
Posted by
J Peezy
1:32 PM
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
British boy finds snake in cereal box
"It was quite long and popped its head up." You sure it was a snake?
File this under odd things found in food items. Seriously people, do you really think we believe all of these crazy stories? When am i going to find a stack of bills in my chicken stir fry? Perhaps i'm next.
Posted by
J Peezy
10:57 AM
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Motorcyle Front Flip Attempt
"Apparently, up until this clip nobody had ever successfully pulled off a front flip on a motorcycle. Unfortunately, for this guy the streak remains"
You ain't kiddin. Holy crap, did home-boy get some air or what!
Posted by
J Peezy
10:18 PM
Sequoia Task Force - Save the Trees!
Mr. Bush wants to log the old growth Sequoia. Great idea.
I'm not into the political battles but this is crazy. Please sign the petition.
Posted by
J Peezy
5:21 PM
Sucky girl sues over not making v-ball team
Ah yes, the Ugly American strikes again. Face it toots, you suck.
Figures this is in Colorado; now i have to hear about his for the next month or two.
Posted by
J Peezy
5:04 PM
Video Wall. DANG
This guy has way too much time on his hands to spend sitting in front of this set-up. Holy crap.
Posted by
J Peezy
4:39 PM
The Wayback Machine!
Very interesting site here. Amazing to see how far ESPN, yahoo, etc. have come along.
Thank god for graphical design advancements.
Posted by
J Peezy
2:49 PM
Monday, May 02, 2005
30" Burrito Fugitive - What a Bum Wrap
"The suspicious item was identified as a 30-inch burrito "
I would expect this in a northern town, but for somewhere in New Mexico?? Come on, arn't there like burrito stands on every half block? People should know what they look like.
Anyways, that's one big ass burito!
Posted by
J Peezy
10:16 AM
Friday, April 29, 2005
The Famous Tree-digging Money Finders
They really do look like criminals. I don't understand why they had to tell everyone about their so called find???? Just steal the money and shut the hell up.
(edit: bad link. The original pic was priceless...damnit)
Posted by
J Peezy
11:01 AM
Thursday, April 28, 2005
50 car accident -- Just another day here in Colorado
Shit like this happens all the time. Goddamn April/May snowstorms.
Posted by
J Peezy
3:43 PM
My Name's Billy G and i Get Repect
Your cash and your jewelery is what i expect.
A great Bill gates photo. Pa rappah da rappah
Posted by
J Peezy
3:23 PM
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
We're all in trouble!
"Constant emailing and text messaging reduces mental abilities by about 10 IQ points, even more than smoking marijuana. "
Posted by
J Peezy
4:20 PM
Do-it-yourself checkout could make grocery baggers a thing of the past
Tough Shit. They're slow and usually mis-bag everything. 2 thumbs up for technology advancements.
Posted by
J Peezy
12:16 PM
Monday, April 25, 2005
The Ultimate Gaming Keyboard
For gamers with too much time on their hands.
Posted by
J Peezy
2:10 PM
The Ultimate Gaming Keyboard
For gamers with too much time on their hands.
Posted by
J Peezy
2:10 PM
Friday, April 22, 2005
Zoo tries to get chimp to quit smoking
I'm gonna toss him a jibber when i go to see him.
Posted by
J Peezy
1:05 PM
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Third World Disappointed (
the 3rd world as a whole. Kinda one of those bad headlines.
it's good that Mexico speaks for the whole 3rd world 'country'.
Posted by
J Peezy
4:25 PM
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Monday, April 11, 2005 -- Memory box
Here's my friend's band that i'm going to see on Tuesday. Fire is a pretty cool song BTW.
Posted by
J Peezy
3:28 PM
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Kathy Lee 103.5 THe Fox
xOM Babes: 2005-04-03: "Age: 31 - Height: 5'4' - Weight: 110 "
Posted by
J Peezy
6:18 PM
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Another Colorado Teacher Scandal
When will it end? For real. These people are morons.
Posted by
J Peezy
10:04 PM
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Chinese Food Delivery Man Found Safe
Dude was stuck in an elevator for four days.
Posted by
J Peezy
4:22 PM
Monday, April 04, 2005
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
South not screening IMAX film -- refers to evolution
Red States need to get with it.
Posted by
J Peezy
12:20 PM
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Professor Boris Lobanov, Scientific Director
He looks like a wild and crazy guy. I wouldn't hold it against him.
Posted by
J Peezy
3:55 PM
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Friday, March 18, 2005
14-year old College Student Kills Self
Taught himself how to read at 18 months old, 178 IQ, pianist and composer. And now you can add 'not all there' to the list.
Posted by
J Peezy
3:06 PM
Thursday, March 17, 2005
eBay - Broncos -Honorary Cheerleader Audition Judge
I bid 1 million dollars.
Posted by
J Peezy
2:57 PM
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Tippling Aussie women healthier than the teetotallers
WTF is a Teetotaller??
Is that girl Aussie just because she's pictured in an Aussie bikini?
Posted by
J Peezy
1:57 PM
My friend from work is in a band - a rock band.
Please check out thier latest downloads.
Posted by
J Peezy
9:05 AM
Monday, March 14, 2005
Aviation Photos - Those Crazy Pilots!
For real pics of airliners in precarious positions.
Posted by
J Peezy
3:29 PM
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Gizoogle - Fo all you beotches who wanna find shiznit
This is the shiznit.
Posted by
J Peezy
7:16 PM
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Monday, March 07, 2005
Phil Mickelson - golf agony
This is one of those photos where the photographer was in the right place at the right time.
Posted by
J Peezy
1:45 PM
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Denise Richards-Sheen
She's all mine! I'm going to call her this weekend to see if she want to go out.
Posted by
J Peezy
10:17 AM
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Monday, February 28, 2005
Friday, February 25, 2005
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Monday, February 21, 2005
The forum
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Posted by
J Peezy
8:39 PM
SUV burns on Bay Bridge - cigarette butt blamed
For all those people that toss cig butts out the window... Something to ponder.
Posted by
J Peezy
7:09 PM
Minuteman Project - Border Protection, kickin it old school
Are YOU interested in spending from 1 to 30 days along the Arizona border as part of a blocking force against entry into the U.S. by illegal aliens early this spring?
Well then sign up here!!!
Posted by
J Peezy
6:38 PM
Pam Anderson PETA Ads in China - too racy
Hey, i'm all against fur on Pam.
Posted by
J Peezy
11:02 AM
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Friday, February 11, 2005
Pigs and chickens and horses - gettin HIGH!
No wonder why pigs eat so much.
Not for long....
Posted by
J Peezy
4:41 PM
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Man accused of stalking Kournikova
First of all, he was 3 houses down from Anna's. He thought the neighbor's house was Anna's house. What kind of stalker is this???
Damn homeless morons.
Posted by
J Peezy
1:31 PM
Thursday, February 03, 2005 Gallery - Anna Kournikova
Kudos to Scribbled for finding Apechild for me.
Anna. Delicious.
Posted by
J Peezy
8:02 AM
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Oldie but goodie - Soccer Babes of the World
This is why soccer, err Futbol should be the most popular sport in America. Come on people, get with it.
Posted by
J Peezy
4:21 PM
Frozen human waste from jet crashes onto car
...For me to poop on!
That's kinda funny. But i'd be pissed cause no-one's covering the damage.
Posted by
J Peezy
9:32 AM
How Do Search Engines Work?
I thought i'd geek it up a bit and throw out a PSA...
How search engines work! Woo hoooo.
Posted by
J Peezy
9:06 AM
Monday, January 31, 2005
Big ass = YOU'RE FIRED
'Eveyone paying attention. Good. All you fat girls are fired because you're fat. And, everyone who smokes - you're also fired.'
I wanna work there.
Posted by
J Peezy
11:22 AM
Friday, January 28, 2005
Thursday, January 27, 2005
eBay item 7949565950
Cheap deal for an ex cop car. Oh yea, a few bullet holes need patched.
Posted by
J Peezy
7:42 PM
How to make it into a Frat
Things have changed, but not that much, since i joined a brotherhood.
Posted by
J Peezy
7:39 PM
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Jail Cam
Introducing -- Jail Cam!
Good for some late night entertainment.
Posted by
J Peezy
9:09 PM
Friday, January 21, 2005
Welcome to the official website of!
I know all of you are rooting for the Steelers this weekend. Here are some songs to get you going.
WORD to the Steeler Nation
Posted by
J Peezy
9:20 AM
Thursday, January 20, 2005
copy protect when backup bourne supremacy
Bourne Supremacy burning tips.
Posted by
J Peezy
8:41 PM
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
DEA Resources, Microgram, June 2004
How not to smuggle shiz into the states.
Posted by
J Peezy
9:06 PM
Monday, January 17, 2005
SuperiorPics Celebrity Forums: Viewing list of forums
Very nice stuff they have collected here.
Posted by
J Peezy
2:57 PM
Petite woman eats 6-pound burger
Woman eats 6% of her weight in one sitting.
Given, she only weighs 100 pounds...
Posted by
J Peezy
12:54 PM | News
Big crash up on I-80, WY.
I don't know about you but if i were that cop in the pic, i would not be standing that close to a mixture of ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel.
Posted by
J Peezy
12:51 PM
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Denver Airport Underground base and weird murals
Good ole DIA. Who knew DIA is full of secrets.
Read on...
Posted by
J Peezy
9:08 PM
Playaholics : Play games and win stuff
Not another __holic...
But fun games nonetheless
Posted by
J Peezy
6:36 PM
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Friday, January 14, 2005
Footballguystalk -> NetFlix v. Blockbuster
Blockbuster vs Netflix, which is better?
Posted by
J Peezy
9:27 AM
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Xbox-Scene Online Web Community > Answers To Dvd-+r And What Media
Good to know shizzle for Xbox + burned DVD's.
Posted by
J Peezy
8:30 PM - 'No fly' passenger on BA flight - Jan 12, 2005
No fly list passenger on board.
Wouldn't you like to be sitting next to this douche.
Posted by
J Peezy
7:46 PM
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Monday, January 10, 2005
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Photo : Blog Use
One Man, a camera, a fly rod, and a pleortha o FISH!
Nice work man
Posted by
J Peezy
10:30 PM
Motorcycle Sex Positions
Up the tail pipe, good one...
How about the Kick Stand? Or burn rubber?
Posted by
J Peezy
8:22 PM
YouSendIt | Email large files quickly, securely, and easily!
Need to send a big ass file?
Posted by
J Peezy
8:20 PM - Don't overpay again!
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Posted by
J Peezy
7:59 PM
Friday, January 07, 2005
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Encyclopedia of Sex :: The web's best source of sexual terms and definitions
A glossary... Boy do i need to catch up on my reading.
Posted by
J Peezy
8:21 PM
For Your Consideration: Vincent Gallo Does Paris Hilton
Another Paris vid. Nothing that bad i guess.
So what else is new?
Posted by
J Peezy
8:13 PM
Monday, January 03, 2005
weblog: sex, fun and musicvideos
Former Ms Teen USA. Oh yea, with no clothes on...
Posted by
J Peezy
6:02 PM - Tsunami rescuers work to save dolphins - Jan 3, 2005
Save the Dolphins! Forget about the 150,00 people that have died and millions of others displaced!
Posted by
J Peezy
11:30 AM